You can learn about our products by following the links below.

Cloud Services

Wir analysieren Ihre Anwendungslandschaft und definieren mit Ihnen die Cloud-Variante für Ihre Anforderungen. Nachdem die grundsätzliche Strategie gefunden wurde, unterstützen wir Sie bei der Implementierung mit unserem Spezialwissen in diesem Bereich.


ETISS stands for Electronic Transaction Infrastructure Software and Services. Under this name appears the software for computer-controlled vending cash machines. Currently the trend tends to use vending machines in all areas of our life to optimize the processes.


ETISS stands for Electronic Transaction Infrastructure Software and Services. Under this name appears the software for computer-controlled vending cash machines. Currently the trend tends to use vending machines in all areas of our life to optimize the processes.


ETOSS stands for Electronic Transaction operation software and services. Similar to the application ETISS this software is managing vending cash machines, but here are used more intelligent screen elements with integrated touch technology.

OpenLDAP for Windows

OpenLDAP™ is a Unix based product to manage a directory service containing descriptive, attribute-based information and support sophisticated filtering capabilities. The access to those directory servers is organized by the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol so called LDAP.

Gate Portal

Auf diesen Seiten können Sie das Galaxy Gate optimal auf ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen. Das  Gate Portal unterstützt Sie bei der Administration und Verwaltung der Zugangskontrolle.


Userbooster® is a software product for the new creation and administration of user accounts and objects.

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