Userbooster Light v6.1

SHA-2 Hash Functions For userPassword

More secure SHA-2 cryptographic hash functions (SHA-256SHA-384SHA-512) for setting the password in userPassword.

 SHA-512 Hash  function

Favorites Pane

You can now save links to most often-used LDAP entries so that you can later reach any of them in one step.

Favorite links

Visualization of jpegPhoto as an Image

Attribute jpegPhoto is visualized as an image (Data/Report View and Details pane).

jpegPhoto image

Visualization of Audio as a Link

Attribute audio attribute is visualized as a link (the Data/Report View and Details pane), which you can click to play.

audio link

Drag-and-Drop of Attributes for Customizing the View

You can now drag an attribute from the property grid and drop it in the Data/Report View, which allows to customize the View faster and more convenient.

Drag-and-drop of an attribute

Locate Entry in the Directory Tree

Show in Directory Tree in the context menu over an item in the Data View, with which you can locate the entry in the tree.

Show an attribute in the Directory Tree

Userbooster Light v6.0

Detachable Profile Tabs

Each profile that represents an open connection to a LDAP profile is now associated with a tab in the main window. You can also click and drag the tab out of the tab bar to a separate window. This not only simplifies the navigation but also makes it easier to compare LDAP entries from different profiles.

Detachable Profile Tabs

Generalized Time Editor

A new generalized time editor allows you to view and edit single- and multi-valued attributes defined with the Generalized Time syntax. The well-known examples of such attributes are whenChanged and whenCreated in Active Directory and createTimeStamp in OpenLDAP.

LDAP Generalized Time Editor

Filter Scripts

In addition to the ability of searching directories using LDAP filters, you can now benefit from new scripting support, which allows you to control the results of LDAP requests before they are presented in the window. This makes it possible to perform complex incremental searches based on the intermediate results. One example could be a script that collects all descendant members of a group by finding the direct members of the group, then by searching for the members of the groups found in the first search and so on until all the descendant members are found. The scripting enables you to implement other automation tasks like emailing or writing data to file or a database table.

LDAP Filter Scripts

Userbooster Light v5.2

LDAP filter validator

  • LDAP filters are now validated so when you specify an incorrect filter, a warning tooltip indicates the error and shows you the position. In some cases (e.g. odd parentheses), the error can be corrected automatically: you only need to confirm this by clicking on the tooltip.
  • In addition to object classes and attribute types, you can now browse attribute syntaxes, matching rules and matching rule uses in the Shema window.
  • When an attribute’s syntax is a distinguished name, you can select one or more values for the attribute by using a new Select Entries dialog. For example, the manager attribute of a user, which exists both in Active Directory and OpenLDAP. The dialog allows you to perform a search by attributes with or without wildcards.

Userbooster Light v5.1

Userbooster Light v5.1

  • Enhanced breadcrumb control features better navigation over the profiles and LDAP entries.
  • Background task cancellation. When a time-consuming operation is performed (e.g. deleting a lot of entries), you can cancel it at any moment (See the Background Tasks control).
  • Fast message log with filtering. The Message Log window is now responsive even when there thousands of entries in it. You can also filter the log by categories, profiles and text.
  • Streamlined user interface. The redesigned Search Panel, consistent user interface relating to export and import entries to/from files and more.
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.

Userbooster Light v5.0

Userbooster Light v5.0

  • Completely revamped report functionality allows you to email an HTML report secured with SSL/TLS to particular recipients or schedule this as a task. And that with a couple of mouse clicks. You can also export LDAP entries in different formats (LDIF, CSV, XML, XLS) to a file on schedule, using this as data feed in your business workflows.
  • Reset Password dialog is now different for Active Directory and LDAP servers. The one for LDAP servers comes with different hash methods like SHA so you can avoid using external encryption tools.
  • It is now detected automatically whether the connected server is Active Directory or not.
  • Entry Template wizard has an additional step allowing you to set an RDN.
  • Schema is now in the main window under the tab “Schema”. You can view its content through the filterable grid in the main window and through the Properties window. You can navigate to an element in the schema by clicking the link associated with it.
  • Changed the way you can add an attribute to an entry: empty attributes are now hidden so you should use the “Add attribute” combo box.
  • STARTTLS encryption.
  • Additional export options: Line break, value separator and field separator.
  • Fixed the implementation of referrals and DSA control which worked incorrectly.
  • Profile’s read-only mode.

Userbooster Light v4.8

Userbooster Light v4.8

  • Redesigned user interface layout.
  • Search pane allows you to search particular attributes for particular a string with and without wildcards.
  • Details pane in the Properties grid.
  • Schema cache.
  • Report view integrated into the Entries window.
  • Restore Deleted Objects for Active Directory.
  • Children of an entry in the tree can be sorted.
  • View can be customized by specifying a LDAP filter, attributes, sort order of attributes and autofit columns.
  • LDAP filter colorized.
  • Profile Assistant simplified.
  • Performance increased.
  • Licensing changed to a Single License and to an Unlimited License. The former permits you as a license holder to install a copy of the product to single computer for accessing and working with any number of directory servers.

Userbooster Light v.4.6

Export all or selected attributes

When you export objects to a file, Userbooster Light on Windows now allows you to export all attributes or only those visible in the main grid, which makes it more flexible when it comes to analyzing data.

Export all or selected attributes

Userbooster for iPhone and iPad

Userbooster is now available for iOS users, those who own iPhone and iPad. You can see the screenshots on our website (iPhone and iPad) or purchase the application directly in iStore.

Windows, iPhone and iPad editions

Common configuration file for all Userbooster editions

All three editions have the same configuration file so you can synchronize the Userbooster settings between your devices via http/https or email.

Userbooster Light v.4.5

Redesigned Object Properties grid

The object property grid displays all or filtered attributes for one or more objects. The content representation of an attribute is defined by the schema associated with the current profile.

The read-only attributes are grayed out and you can even hide them by unchecking Show Read-Only attributes in the Attribute filter menu.

A tooltip provides on-the-fly information about the attribute.

New and updated attribute editors

Each attribute in the schema has its own type. The updated collection of in-place editors in Userbooster allows you to view and manage attributes of any type in a convenient way. The mostly-used types have their own specialized editors. For other attributes, you can use a binary editor. All the editors support placeholders.

Creation of new objects

With the new version, you can create an object supported by the schema directly or through a template. In the latter case, you create a template for particular type (specified by a defined number of object classes) and then you have a dialog for creating objects of that type.

Task Scheduler

You can now automate creation of LDAP reports (including sending reports by email) with a Task Scheduler.

Export changes instantly

From now on, two modes of saving changes (to a server or a file) are supported: Instant and on demand. The former, which is default, means that a change to an attribute is immediately applied to the destination. The later means that you can change a number of attributes and then save all these changes at once by clicking the Save modified items button.

Changes preview

When the instant save is off, you make changes to more than one attribute and to more than one object. When you save the changes, you can now get the detailed information on those objects and attributes. You can also postpone changes to particular object and/or attributes until later.

Quick Filter control

When you need apply an object filter to limit the objects (returned from the server) to a particular object class, you can now do that easier. The most wanted filters are now available in the Object Filter drop-down menu. Alternatively you can specify an object filter in the Profile Settings.

New scenarios for placeholders

You can now use placeholders in the following scenarios:

  1. Saving attribute values to the current server, to other server or to a file. The placeholder is replaced with the value.
  2. Importing data from a file. If an attribute contain a placeholder (which you can do in advance), you can save the attribute as it is described in item 1.

XML View with template support

The new XML View allows you to see and print out the properties of objects in a customized way.

If you do not like the current theme or layout you can customize it by adding an xsl file.

Streamlined navigation

The Import tab has been removed from the Navigation Pane: You can now import and view files in the Directory Architect view. The Directory Architect is improved as follows:

  • It now contains a plain sorted list of profiles.
  • Added a new type of profiles, the file provider, which allows you to work with files in a similar manner as with other directory profiles.
  • Novel is not supported as a separate server type.

Customizable main grid

The main grid contains a list of objects with their attributes shown in the grid columns. You can configure yourself which attributes should be shown in the main grid or even create several views and switch between them when you need it.

Userbooster Light v.4.1

  • From now on Userbooster is fully Unicode aware.
  • Added support for logging on to directory servers through Kerberos and Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). In the latter case, you connect to Active Directories as a logged on user.
  • Improved the way you can edit attributes of multiple objects. When you select several objects, their combined attributes are displayed in the Object Properties window. Now the window contains only those attributes that share the same object class.
  • Unknown attributes in the Object Properties window can be shown or hidden.
  • Multiple CNs are now supported. CNs are now editable.
  • GUIDs and SIDs are now displayed in a readable format.
  • Added a command to export all modified objects to a directory server. That makes it more convenient to save changes made.
  • Statistics in all common formats (XML, CSV, XLS) can be sent through SMTP.
  • Added support for creating/removing mailboxes on Exchange Server 2008/2010.
  • Freeware edition is now available for any commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Userbooster Light v.4.0

  • Der Desktopbereich wurde vollständig überabeitet. Unabhängig von der aktiven Ansicht (Listen oder Baumdarstellung) können die Objekte nun bearbeitet werden. Das bedeutet im Detail, die Ansicht kann je nach Bedarf „on the fly“ gewechselt werden, ohne einen Informationsverlust zu erleiden. Diese Möglichkeit bietet maximale Flexibilität beim Arbeiten mit Objekten in unterschiedlichen Organisationsstrukturen. Gleichzeitig werden dem Anwender mehrere synchronisierte Ansichten auf die Dateninhalte angeboten.
  • Die Performance bei komplexen LDAP-Abfragen von mehr als tausenden Objekten wurde signifikant verbessert. Die Anwendung kann nun über skalierbare Objekt bzw. Attributfilter optimal auf die jeweiligen Anforderungen ausgerichtet werden.
  • Alle datumsabhängigen Werte werden automatisch in ein lesbares Format konvertiert.
  • Die Darstellung und Funktion des lokalen LDAP-Schema wurde optimiert und bietet nun alle Möglichkeiten für die effiziente Verwaltung der herstellerspezifischen Implementierungen.
  • Ein neuer Report-Assistent stellt beliebige Dateninhalte in anspruchsvollen Statistiken zusammen. Reportvorlagen bieten die Möglichkeit, das eigene Corporate Identity in Layout und Gestaltung zu berücksichtigen.
  • Die Anzahl wiederkehrender Aktionen für die automatische Ausführung mittels Startparameter wurde erweitert und ebenfalls über Assistenten zugänglich gemacht.
  • Beim Löschen von Benutzerobjekten werden nun auch bei Bedarf die Postfachkonten sowie DFS-Verknüpfungen bzw. die Profil und Heimlaufwerke gelöscht.
  • Die grafische Benutzeroberfläche wurde vollständig überarbeitet und den aktuellen Anforderungen angepasst.